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really enjoyed this but got a game breaking crash.

I was in the top right big room with like 5 doors/exits, and I was exiting through the bottom left door on the left wall. It completely crashed and closed the game… and there’s no save to recover :( 

otherwise, the game felt good! Solid level design, satisfying progression, just a fun simple Metroidvania. Would be cool to add some breakable walls for some health boosts or whatever, unless I just missed them!

Thanks for the bug report. I'll take a look at it and upload a fix.

I've uploaded an updated version. The bug you encountered is so hard to reproduce, but I could tell that a change I made to the tile's physics colliders left the smallest open space that (if hit at the most precise position and speed) would cause the mentioned issue. It doesn't look like it affected horizontal transitions so it should be good to play.

Thanks again for report this hard to catch bug.

wow, good job reproducing it!